Welcome to CUFF – Citizens United For Freedom!
We are a group of mostly Californians (but all Americans) committed to fighting this tyranny of vaccine mandates. We welcome vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. We believe there are good reasons TO vaccinate and good reasons NOT to vaccinate (although most of us would say that the evidence lies strongly in favor of NOT vaccinating). We do not demonize those who take this virus seriously, who wear masks, or who have chosen to take the vaccination. That is their free will choice and we honor that. We want everybody to have the freedom to make the choice they believe is right for themselves and their families.
These are perilous times. And this is a new movement. It is no longer about a big name or a single, powerful individual. It is about the common man who is fed up with being trampled on. The everyday Joe who is rising up. It is about We the People. They can take one of us out, but a dozen others will rise up in our place. Our elected officials have become so brazen, so arrogant, and so elitist that they actually believe they can tell you what is right for your body. To force this injection violates every tenet of freedom and medical ethics. It harkens back to the days of the Nazi doctors. And we will have no part in this. These officials are rubbing our noses in this, daring us to move. They think we are weak and won’t fight back. They think we value comfort, our jobs, and our worldly possessions more than we value liberty. They are sorely mistaken. They KNOW they are doing the wrong thing and we intend to hold every last one of these tyrants accountable. They are on the wrong side of history and we intend to bend the arc of that history toward Justice
We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads. Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children?
Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not. Not this time. I choose freedom. pic.twitter.com/XrI2tjdAHW
— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) August 8, 2021
Here is your “homework” as a new member: Please buy the book “The Butterfly Effect.” It is about 100 pages long but most pages contain just 2 or 3 sentences so you can read it in about 15 minutes. It is inspiring and speaks to YOUR importance as a single individual. You are the Joshua Chamberlain (the schoolteacher from Maine who changed history) in your story. Your actions have eternal consequences. You have been given more power and more authority than you realize. As Chamberlain said, he knew he was going to die anyways. He said he’d rather die with a bullet in his frontside than in his back. These tyrants have brought the fight to our front door. They are trying to violate the most personal part of being human: our bodies. It is time for us to now charge out the front door and push them back.
If you use an e-reader, I would suggest Barnes & Noble’s Nook (or something similar) over Amazon’s Kindle. Amazon has been banning conservative books and even took Parler (conservative Twitter) offline. The Nook app is free for iPhone and Android devices.
Finally, we ask that every new member invite at least four new members. Please do this within 10 minutes of joining. We need to grow this thing quickly—exponentially—in order to have the power of numbers to be able to implement our plan. The plan is this: to disrupt the system in California before the mandate goes into effect. Exactly how we do that will be a matter of discussion at upcoming meetings. But the elitists who are doing this need to see that we are a powerful majority and we will not back down. Thank you so much for joining our fight. Your individual effort is not only helpful, it is vitally necessary. TOGETHER we are going to crush this tyranny.