Don’t File for an Exemption.*
It’s a Trap. A mind game.
Here’s why:
If you accede to their stipulation that you must ask permission for them not to inject you, you have already lost. To file for an exemption is to agree with the proposition that they have partial ownership in your body and that you must ask their permission to do something with it. Your body is God’s temple. His personal, private, and sacred gift to you. The idea that you must ask for an exemption (that they have ownership of you) is a falsehood. It is a totalitarian idea. Even God will never do something to your body against your will. He has given you total authority over your body.
When you are filling out the exemption form, think of it as a contract. It may or may not have your signature, but it will certainly have your authorization. By that authorization, you are actually giving your employer ownership of your body … even though you thought you were exercising your rights. The very act of asking for permission, in regards to your body, cedes authority of that body to the entity whom you are asking. You are the only one who can give permission regarding your body. Medical ethics demands that the employer get your consent before doing something to your body. Not the other way around.
If they can give you an exemption, they can take it away. The exemption is designed to lull you to sleep. Designed to take the remaining 10-20% of holdouts and squeeze them. You will get “approved” and then settle into comfort once again. You will be grateful that “at least I have my religion.” Finally, things will get back to some sort of normalcy. You will say to yourself, “Thank God I still live in the U.S. and I have First Amendment rights.” Then, just as suddenly as they implemented this vaccine mandate for state employees and healthcare workers, they will declare that even these exemptions are “too dangerous.” Only this time, instead of 6 weeks’ notice, they will give you only two weeks’ notice. Since you didn’t find a new job or move out of state when you applied for the exemption, you are now screwed. You will be forced to take the jab. Mark my words: once all the Christians file for exemption, they will remove that too.
So, if you do file for an exemption, the only reasonable plan is to FILE AND FLEE.
As soon as you file, start making plans to flee to a free state (like Texas or Florida) where the governor has banned vaccine mandates.
But, if you want to save America, there is a better plan. Go to PATH 2.
*Note: but don’t quit or resign either. Show up to work on the day after the mandate goes into effect and force them to fire you. That way you have legal grounds for wrongful termination lawsuit. You may or may not decide to pursue it, but it leaves you at least one more option.